Blogging is fun. Some of us write because it is an hobby. We share our ideas with our friends and relatives. This type of blogging does not require you to make your blog very popular. We only need to ensure the right people are reading our posts and we are happy.

However there are those of us that blog so that we can earn money online. This is commercial blogging. If you fall into this category you might want to promote your blog so that it is very popular. Search engine optimization (SEO) might also come in handy. Getting to the top of a search engine like Google can give you lots of free targeted traffic. That however is a story for another day.

Today lets talk about how you can promote your blog. There are several ways to do this and make your blog popular or even make it go viral.

1. Social Networking sites – Everyone is definitely on Facebook and Twitter. If you are not, you must be living under a rock. You can turn your followers on Twitter or Friends on Facebook into active readers of your blog. The bottom line here is do not spam. If you keep posting links nobody cares about they are bound to stop following you or unfriend you.
2. Commenting – When reading other blogs in your niche you might want to leave your thoughtful comments at the end of the post. Make sure your comment is relevant to the post. You can leave your link if it feels appropriate. This will bring readers to your blog.
3. Article Marketing – Article submission sites like Ezine articles, Articlebase, GoArticles and the rest give you a chance to submit articles to them for free. For this you get to link back to your site. This not only brings you highly targeted traffic, it also helps you in building backlinks.
4. Email signatures – Include you URL in your outgoing emails. Nearly every site owner out there does it. You can also include your URL in your business cards. This is a very effective way of offline blog promotion.
5. Contacting other bloggers – Talk to other bloggers and ask them to consider linking to your post. There are more likely to, than the reader who just stumbled on your blog.

These five ways are very effective in increasing your blogs visibility out there. There are many other ways you can use to promote your blog. You can even use word of mouth. Just make sure somebody is reading what you are writing.

Do you have a blog? What ways have you been using to promote it? Do leave me a comment

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I hope this Info helps...

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